Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Deal and Beal on Textuality and Religion

On 10/26 I attended a presentation at the Museum of the Rockies, which dealt a great deal with the textuality of religion, specifically Christianity and Buddhism. The two authors/professors that spoke, Timothy Beal and William Deal, briefly explained the differences and similarities within religious scripture and the importance of both texts, The Bible, and The Lotus Sutra.

Professor Beal explained briefly, and acknowledged author Max Mueller's importance in deciphering religious script, mainly Buddhist and Sanskrit. However, Beal dealt mainly with the Bible and how many peoples opinions of the bible are misconstrued as 'God's Words' when in reality they are not. The bible is merely a religious script of rules and orders under God's command. However, what many do not know is that this book was written by men, it is not one authoritative voice without contradiction, or rival. It is a book written by men, for god, not by god for men.

On a more mythologically interesting note, the first known Christian scripture was written on animal skin, where the outlined veins of the seemingly still-living animal were still quite apparent.

Professor Deal however, asked first who had heard of, or read the entire Lotus Sutra, Buddhism's holy scripture, the answer became immediately apparent--none. Knowing this, Deal overviewed the beginnings of this text and examined its textual importance in religion. One of his teachings was that of Ananda, or the Buddha’s disciple who is the eternal intermediary between teacher and student. His name can be also be known as the Guardian of the Dharma, keeper of the Buddha’s sacred text. His duty was to write the first Lotus Sutra for future practicing Buddhist's.

Furthermore, Deal explained the significance of the Lotus Sutra and that for practicing Buddhist’s; they must complete five separate teachings or practices which are upholding, reading, recitation, preaching, and copying of the Lotus Sutra. In doing this, we sentient beings can thus be transported from the shores of pain and suffering to those of enlightenment and peace.

In conclusion, this presentation taught me much I did not know about the Lotus Sutra in Buddhism and reiterated much I knew about The Bible in Christianity

Plutarch, 'On The Soul'

In death, we are initiated into the great mysteries. At first our souls meader aimlessly about this new realm, without mind, consious, or body. We are weary and hurried about, before final initiation we are overcome with fear and anxiety, shuddering and trembling. We are then struck by a magnificent light and begin hearing divine voices and seeing odd shapes. At once we are initiated to walk among the divine freely and without consequence. We bear a crown in all it's glory, and consort with all the deities, watching below our feet, the hopeless meandering of the mortal souls.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Initiations

As Plato says, "..there is a hidden meaning in their teaching when it says that whoever arrives uninitiated in Hades will lie in mud, but the purified and initiated when he arrives there will dwell with the gods." (305) In this, Plato only conveys the meaning of ritual, that is to be accepted as initiated to the dwelling of the Gods.

Any person hopelessly meandering through this realm of human "reality" is surely presently experiencing an initiation. It seems that life as a human is merely the trial by Gods in which they deem worthiness to particular spirits. In my life I have undergone many transformations through pain and suffering, along with ritualistic traditions. Each of which bears its own resemblance to mythological rituals and traditions. One ritual in particular is that of my initiation into a Greek Fraternity. These are mostly kept secret from anyone not initiated, but nevertheless involved in tradition that has hundreds of years of installment behind it. One core concept of those rituals is to place and force upon the initiate, doubt and misguidance before the initiation. In that, the initiate feels unworthy, and must strive to gain the title of brother through our processes. The ritual acknowledges the boundaries of brotherhood, importance of its connections, and usefulness beyond our personal dramas. Finally, the ritual instills the importance of the links in the chain of brotherhood coupled with its necessity and application after acceptance into the brotherhood.

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Thoughts, On Others Thoughts...?

I recently stumbled upon a little blog known as Kevin Ebert's thoughts. This blog lacked construction, and style, but withing the failures of this blog lie something in which is as beautiful as it is sinister. It seems his post, "The dream was weird" contains very conspicuous imagery. It seems that Kevin is in the process of being overtaken by the spirits of the underworld. I believe Kevin remains unaware of this most dastardly symbolism within his dreams and hope to god that he realizes he is in mortal danger. The snake in this dream represents his newly discovered fate of eternal life in the underworld who everlastingly putrefies of the human race. The fact that this snake seems to have paralyzed Kevin tells me very soon he will be in a similar situation, in that he will be cognitively paralyzed and be forced to act in favor of the gods of the underworld.

God speed Kevin, God speed.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Pay No Attention to that Man Behind The Curtain...
"If Olympus differs from every other celestial home, it is thanks to the presence of three unnatural divinities: Apollo, Artemis, Athena. More than mere functions, these imperious custodians of the unique stripped away that thin, shrouding curtain which nature weaves about its forces." Cadmus And Harmony pg. 51

The Oz I found in Bozeman was that in the form of graffiti, for within graffiti lies a symbolic message from the underground network that boils beneath the surface of modern society. What greater symbolism exists that surrounds someone working behind a curtain. The very thought that society is ran behind mostly curtains of fear and doubt within media and politics is not without a sense of irony when comparing is the Wizard of Oz. Ha! the movie should be titled, "That's What YOU Thought!"

This artwork is by a European Revolutionist that operates entirely by the dark of night, and sometimes even in broad daylight. His art is that of great irony and displays a most comedic scene. He goes by the name of Banksy and has been very successful at keeping his identity a secret, a most Oz-ian thing to do. This art happens to be on the Palestine Wall, the most secure boarder in the East. It is riddled with landmines, security cams, and armed guards on 24/7 watch. How in the hell....?

The First Ever Ballad

I know that Sexson told us this story in class, but it is not without a sense of total and utter appreciation and gratitude that I present this story once again. I do, and will always love music, it is bliss and without Hermes' mischievousness, it just wouldn't be as amazing, enjoy.

From 9/11
In Illo Tempore,
The god Hermes was a very quick and mischievous god. Soon after he was born (and I mean almost immediately after) me escaped from his crib and under the cover of night stole his older brother Apollos herd of cattle and moved them somewhere where he couldn't ever find them. Before returning home, Hermes was overcome with guilt. He decided he should return with something to give to Apollo, in exchange for his mercy. Hermes came across a tortoise, so he killed and gutted the tortoise and with the intestines from a cow he strung the now empty shell. When Hermes finally returned, he was met by a very angry Apollo, he was so angry he shouted at Hermes. But before he could continue Hermes stuck a chord of his newly formed instrument and what came out was a melody of the most ecstatic, love-stricken, profound variety. Apollo was so taken aback he had completely forgot about his cattle, and Hermes handed him this strung tortoise. As soon as the was Apollo's he mastered it and become the very first master, of the Lyre. :)


 Dawn of the Zombies wallpaper from Other wallpapers
From 9/29
I had a dream last night, like many other nights it was a dream in which I awoke in utter shock that it wasn't real. I dreamt that I was smack in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, I know we have yet to discuss the "Ends" of mythology but I cant help what content my mind produces while I sleep, so if you think I might be ruining this for you, I'm not sorry. I first realized that I was within a city-scape surrounded by faces, faces of people I would probably recognize if it weren't for the context of my overwhelming dream thoughts. We had taken shelter within an abandoned house and found that one of us had been infected, and since this is MY dream it is awfully biased- but without hesitation I drew a pistol from my hip and fired wildly into his face and chest. However, the more I shot the louder it got and soon zombies were surrounding this once safe-haven. Right as the windows shades were drawn I realized my impending doom and at once I awoke in a heavy sweat with my hands clutched around my pillow. Scary stuff. Pretty normal for me though

Feindish Roots
from 9/11

"The dog wanted to take her somewhere. He led her to a well beneath a big tree where they had thrown Icarius's body. Erigone buried him. Then she climbed high into the tree and hanged herself."

It seems to me that the tree symbolizes much more than a life bearing creation within mythology. Although the tree has the potential to represent much more than the modern human mind can comprehend, Atletis utilizes the tree in this story as a burial site as well as a god-given suicidal tool.
I used this picture of a tree not only because i haven't the means of taking my own picture as well as this person isn't showing their face, the tree is hiding it, dethroning the human figure-it exerts its power over us.